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Wood sculptures

During the construction of wood Inukshuk, Claude Roussel uses a wood-burning technique. This technique consists in burning a part of wood so that a drawing of the Inukshuk appears with lines raging from dark brown to almost black. Several of Claude Roussel’s work of art have a base made of maple wood.  It is another glance since the Inukshuk symbolizes Canada as much as our worthy maple leaf. 

Futhermore, the cedar wood represend a great value to the Native People, the whole leads Claude Roussel to integrate this wood like a mark of respect for these people from which one has to learn so much.

The use of wood makes is possible to establish a bond between traditional stone Inukshuk and Totem set up by various Natives People throughout the world. This new way of Claude Roussel brings an integration of the cultures.  Automatically, the Inukshuk becomes a protector, a kind of guardian angel, lucky charm for the person who acquires it.  According to an Inuit legend, from its ancestral functions which were to guide people, Inukshuk will help the person who acquires it to always take the right path and to make good decisions. 

By his sculptures, Claude Roussel wants to wake the desire for other to open to other cultures.   It is while being respectful of out past that we can better live the present moment and thus build a future together.


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